Friday, 11 June 2010

On a damp Saturday night in Croydon, disciples, voyeurs and confused bystanders bare witness to The Pre New kicking their way out of an embryonic slumber. Fragments of Earl Brutus and World of Twist rebuild themselves like that mercury man with the scary eyes in Terminator 2 and set about destroying and reconfirming every held belief about the power of rock and roll to satisfy and confuse. They're not a covers band but when they set about playing their combined back catalogue/s it sounds the same but completely different. The two guitarists (Pre and New¿) bring a new dimension to the cut and shut sound and Shinya plays the bass quite like nothing I've seen or heard before. New song Cathedral City is punk rock glam rock fine art boogie with lynchpin Jamie Fry extolling the virtues (the horror) of living in suburban shitholes, wearing his Sunday best suit and freshly buzz sawn head, smirking like a pissed uncle at a wedding looking for a set-to.

There's art rock, glam rock, punk rock and those that try too hard. And then there's The Pre-New who just get it. God help anyone who tries it on with 'em at Glastonbury...